At NAS Safer Recruitment guidelines are aimed at ensuring:
Thorough and secure hiring processes are in place to prevent unsuitable individuals from being employed in roles involving work with children.
Ensuring the candidates role stipulate students safeguarding responsibilities and ongoing child protection training
Requiring all applicants to complete a detailed application form that includes providing comprehensive information relevant to the role.
Conduct structured interviews that probe candidates’ suitability, experience, and attitudes towards safeguarding.
Obtain and verify references from previous employers to confirm the candidate’s suitability and experience.
Conduct appropriate background checks, including a criminal records check, to ensure candidates have no known history that would make them unsuitable for the role.

Policies for safer recruitment are aligned with the recommendations of the International Task Force on Child Protection. At New Academy School we hold ourselves to a high standard of effective practices in relation to child protection and we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment. Successful applicants will be subject to various background checks including, receipt of satisfactory references, proof of relevant qualifications, identification and police checks, including overseas checks.

Recruitment Disclaimer

It has come to our attention that various individuals and organisations are contacting people offering false employment opportunities in the name of New Academy School – Dubai (NAS Dubai). We take such matters extremely seriously, and work with the appropriate legal authorities to terminate fraudulent schemes using New Academy School. By making you aware of this, we hope to avoid and ultimately stop victims falling for this scam;

Do not:
Respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers of employment from people with whom you are unfamiliar;
Disclose your personal or financial details to anyone you do not know;
Send any money. New Academy School does not ask for money transfers or payments from applicants to secure a job;
Engage in further communication if you believe the communications may be fraudulent. All communications from New Academy School will be from a email address only.

How to identify recruitment fraud

The perpetrators will often ask recipients to complete bogus recruitment documentation, such as application forms, terms and conditions of employment or visa forms. The New Academy School name and logo is often featured on the documentation without authority;
There is an early request for personal information such as address details, date of birth, CV, passport details, bank details etc.
Candidates are requested to contact other companies/individuals such as lawyers, bank officials, travel agencies, courier companies, visa/immigration processing agencies etc.
E-mail correspondence is often sent from (or to) free web-based e-mail accounts such as,,,, etc.
The perpetrators frequently use mobile or platform telephone numbers instead of official company numbers which can be checked on our website under Contact Us;
The perpetrators may even offer to pay a large percentage of the fees requested and ask the candidate to pay the remaining amount;
There is an insistence or urgency.